Welcome Pivot Point fans!
Looking for an extra way to make some money by using your favorite products? You can make up to 10% back on qualifying purchases by referring people that make a purchase on our store.
- Sign Up: Submit a questionnaire telling us more about you and how you’d like to use Pivot Point’s affiliate program. We’ll be in touch if you are a good fit!
- Promote: You will receive access to your affiliate portal that will include a unique link to use on social media, your website, blog—wherever you choose! Anyone using your link will receive a 10% discount on our store.
- $$$: Earn up to 10% on all qualifying orders from referrals using your link. The more people who use your link, the more commission you can earn. Orders can be tracked in real-time through your affiliate portal and commissions will be paid out quarterly through PayPal.
*Read the terms, learn more, then sign up here for our affiliate program. By submitting the form below, you agree to our Terms + Conditions. Only available to customers in the United States while supplies last.
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